Great Barford

Since Spring 2019 Axiom has promoted land off the Bedford Road through the Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan process.

Axiom’s land under promotion forms part of the Great Barford West allocation for 500 new homes which has been identified as the most sustainable location for growth in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Great Barford is a large village located 2.5 miles east of Bedford on the A421 and 2.5 miles south west of the Black Cat roundabout on the A1.

Land off Bedford Road will be a landscape led, low density development of up to 500 new homes, sympathetic to the local rural landscape character.

Interlinking community gardens and multifunctional open spaces will create a great place to live for all generations.

Proposals include a new roundabout access on the Bedford Road which will act as a traffic calming measure for vehicles entering the village.

Great Barford is strategically positioned to benefit from strategic transport infrastructure upgrades to the A1/Black Cat roundabout and Oxford to Cambridge Expressway and East/West Railway proposals.

The land west of Great Barford is being promoted by Axiom and Countryside Properties who are now working closely on the creation of a Development Brief, Design Code and Masterplan for the 500 new homes.

At the Great Barford fun day event we heard that the initial allocation title of Great Barford West development should have a more suitable name to connect it to the existing village. The land to the west of the village was historically known as Mill Field and “End” is a common regional suffix for an extension to a settlement. Therefore the project has been renamed Millfield End.

For the latest information on the Millfield End scheme please visit the website


Up to 500 new homes

A new roundabout Gateway entrance on the Bedford Road

Local Centre

Community gardens

A mix of tenures and types of housing for all generations

Surface water Attenuation features



Off site sewage upgrades

Mature planting and landscaping  


2019 - Bedford Borough Local Plan Adopted 

2019 - Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan “meet the developer” event

2020 - Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan - Pre submission consultation 

2020 - axiom promoted Land off Bedford Road selected as part of Great Barford West Allocation

2021 - Regulation 14 - 16 Consultation and Examination by inspector

2022 - Great barford neighbourhood Plan “made” by bedford borough council and great barford west - pOLICY H1 FORMALLY allocated


2024 - Outline Planning submission

Great Barford Gallery
