Colebrooke Park
Colebrooke Park is being promoted for employment use in the emerging Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Local Plan.
Colebrooke Park is located 2.75 km to the north east of Tunbridge Wells adjacent to the recently upgraded A21 and benefits direct junction access onto the Fairthorne Junction with the A21 which runs along the site's eastern boundary.
Axiom promoted Colebrooke Park through the Regulation 18 Local Plan for approximately 10,000 sqm of business (E(Ci-iii), general industry (B2), and storage and distribution (B8) floorspace and ancillary facilities, delivered through the conversion of Colebrooke House alongside a modern business park in a campus layout.
Colebrooke Park presents a unique opportunity for a single occupier to start with a blank canvas and create a bespoke campus facility in approx. 20 acres of mature, landscaped parkland.
Colebrooke House is unlisted and suitable for a mixture of alternative uses ranging from Hotel (C1), Residential institutions (C2) and Learning and nonresidential institutions (F1.a) or Sui Genaris uses, either in isolation or alongside an employment scheme.
The Pre Submission Regulation 19 Consultation proposes Colebrooke Park to be removed from the Green Belt and safeguarded for future employment uses.
Colbrooke Park is a prime conversion and development opportunity with embedded leisure, recreation and biodiversity opportunities.